Archive Page 7

Progress on Savage Characters!

I finished the “Haunted West” section and have it in the hands of my team for editing, artwork, and Norm-alization. With the new Locations section, we learn a little more about the town of Miasma Springs, the Native spiritual haven called the High Ground, and the mountain lair of Gustavus Klepf, the mad inventor.

I found that creating five characters whose story lines criss-crossed gave me a lot of adventure hook ideas. If the GM so desired, the five Haunted West characters could be the background of a mini-Plot Point campaign themselves.

So with one of the four sections done, I’m planning on getting myself in gear and getting the “Olde World Revealed” section done next. Should be fun. Who doesn’t love our Earth but where it’s the Roman Draconic Church in 1300?

While getting Savage Characters Volume 1 into the PDF marketplace by the end of the year is my deadline, I hope to sprinkle with some free goodies tied into the product like a free character, a mini-adventure, or a piece of fiction exploring one of the four DLG settings.


Say Hello to the Third Herd!

Nine Tour of Darkness pre-gen characters have been posted representing a squad. These boys are fresh ‘in country’ and are 0xp (5xp for Lincoln). These could be used quite easily with the upcoming “Welcome to the Nam” adventure I’m getting proofed for posting by Pinnacle Entertainment as a freebie for Savage Worlds.

Lt. Bill Chaney
PFC Anthony Karloff
PFC Chris Lee
PFC Jim Hitchcock
PFC Joe Campbell
PFC Lincoln Lugosi
PFC Marco Romero
PFC Myron Price
PFC Tommy Craven

Discovering the Weird West

Progress is being made on the Savage Characters product. I’m nearly complete with the “Weird West” section and I’m liking how it is shaping up. The characters have good linkages with each other (if you want to use them) and I’m adding a Locations section to the description of the setting itself. I find myself ‘discovering’ many other characters that we don’t have room for in the first product, but might appear as a follow-up volume or maybe as a freebie here on Dragonlaird Gaming.

For those who haven’t been following this, my Weird West setting and characters use the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules but could be almost trivially ‘ported’ to another supernatural west setting like Deadlands.

More to come soon!

Beautiful Atlanta and Darkest Vietnam

Despite traveling to Atlanta most every week on business, I was able to prepare and then run my much anticipated Tour of Darkness game last Saturday at the annual Ohio Game (a mini-convention for my gamer friends here in Columbus). I’ll try to post some pictures to Facebook soon but it went better than I’d expected. My next task is to write it up as a “one page adventure” for Pinnacle to post on the Savage Worlds website.

Kudos for Dragonlaird Gaming at Origins 2012

Some of my players enjoyed my Savage Serenity game at Origins 2012 and were kind enough to give me a shout-out.

Rule Zero Podcast

Around 46 minute mark.

Refreshed by the Side of the Lake

Hey gang, just got back from a week at Lakeside, OH (a Chautauqua community). Very relaxing, but now it is back to work… on the stuff that pays the bills and the stuff that’s fun. In the latter category, I’ll be putting the finishing touches on a Savage Worlds Tour of Darkness adventure for a mini-con we hold here in Columbus in August. Then I’ll be putting in serious hours getting the first Dragonlaird Gaming product content done and off to my editor. And I’ll be doing in-depth reviews for a friend’s cool new game he’s written (more on that as soon as he’s ready to let the cat out of the bag). So it’ll be a busy, busy July and hopefully I’ll have some more to share on very soon.

New Submission to Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine

Just submitted a new Gamemastering article to Knights of the Dinner Table magazine. I dig into the ways that religion/faith affects a character’s daily lives so maybe your campaign world can have a more robust religious flavor in its mix. Should appear in the next few issues.

Free Savage Serenity Adventure Posted

Last summer I wrote a Serenity adventure using the Savage Worlds Deluxe rule set called The Price of Success. I ran it twice for friends and now four times at the recently concluded Origins convention here in Columbus, Ohio. After making several tweaks and improvements, I’ve posted it as a free Savage Worlds Fan adventure for anyone to run.

Click to Download the Price of Success

The zip file includes a map of the city of Lost Ways on Paquin, business-card sized Object Cards, and Savage Serenity GM Screen Inserts. There are also other items useful for running this particular adventure. It is all free and distributed under the Savage Worlds Fan rules, courtesy of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. You can pick up copies of the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules and much more at their site.

Enjoy the adventure and let me know what you think.


When Facebook Eats the Moon, We’ll Know It Went Too Far

Hey gang, just wanted to let everyone know that Facebook no longer echoes blog posts into their own stream of postings. So my posts here on my site don’t get the same exposure as those on the Facebook page. While this will remain the best place to see what I’ve been up to with Dragonlaird Gaming, fresher updates will be occurring on facebook. Just search for Dragonlaird Gaming and become a Friend.


Dragonlaird Jim

Dragonlaird Gaming gearing up for Origins 2012!

Apologies for the several month quiet period here at the sprawling campus of Dragonlaird Gaming but things have not been at a stand-still. I’ve got two major pushes coming to fruition and a third just (re-)beginning.

1) I’ve been working with Josh Minto of Minto Illustrations and Savage Worlds veteran Simon Lucas (Board Game Geek Page) who has worked on almost every Savage Worlds product out there, on a new Savage Worlds product. We’re in the stage of getting licensing approval, but I hope to have a sample version of the product with me when I go to…

2) Origins 2012! Once again, one of the top gaming conventions in the U.S. is being held in my current home town, Columbus, Ohio. I’ve gone steadily since 2005 when I was on the Serenity RPG development team and always have a great time. This year I’ll be running a Savage Worlds Serenity adventure called “The Price of Success” in four time slots including Savage Saturday Night. I’ve run the scenario twice with local gamers and I think players will have a lot of fun with it. Stop by one of my games or catch me at Savage Saturday Night.

3) Gaming the Movies. This well-received series of columns in Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine has reached 34 entries. After a semi-hiatus over the last year, I’ll be renewing my activities with KODT either with a continuation of the GtM series or with direct Gamemastering articles of general interest. Drop a comment if you’d like to see one more than the other, or if there is a favorite movie/TV show you have in mind that I haven’t covered in the column to date.

