Archive Page 6

A Sneak Peek at Dragonlaird Gaming’s Savage Settings

I’ve posted teasers for each of the four settings under development here at Dragonlaird Gaming. Give them a look and let me know what you think. We’ve got:

Dark Ages and Dragon Gods: A faltering Roman Empire is saved by a dragon who sets itself up as their new god. Orcs press westward, a boy king takes the Gaulish throne, and the Fey races are challenged to emerge from their homes in the Black Forest and Alps.

Haunted West: Magic and Supernatural Science challenge explorers and treasure-hunters in the Early American West.

Soul Crimes: What happens when gangsters running a thoroughly corrupt New York City start facing true Evil from Beyond?

Theta Ships and Iron Men: The Brits discovered our way to the stars and the Royal Stellar Navy now deal handle diplomacy and trade with beautiful and ugly alien races, protecting human colonies, and fighting across the stars.

Call for Artists

The Savage Characters project has hit some choppy waters. The content has been complete but we’re running into issues with the art. Our original artist can now only commit to one quarter of the work so I’m seeking three other artists (one per setting for visual consistency) to contribute to the work. The model is back end royalty rather than fee for work so I’m not looking for established professionals. I’m looking for good artists who are trying to break into the business, who could benefit from exposure in a tabletop RPG product for Savage Worlds. We’re all curious to see what sort of market there is out there for the product and if it is strong, I’ve got a lot of good follow-on ideas.

I’ve posted a summary of the opportunity and terms here: Description

Thanks to everyone for their help in this search!


No Highways for Old Men

I had the chance to go back and rewatch the Mad Max movie trilogy this summer. While Road Warrior is by far the best, the Mad Max world and characters are refreshingly original and beg to be gamed.

My first step was to really do the analysis on how to run a Mad Max table top RPG and I wrote the latest Gaming the Movies column on the trilogy. The prospects of a Mad Max game really had me energized so I committed to run a pair of games based on the movies at a local convention, Con on the Cob. The games were called “No Highways for Old Men” and were run with the Savage Worlds rules system.

The games ran very well so I went a step further. I’ve written the adventure up for publication in a future issue of Knights of the Dinner Table magazine. In support of that adventure article, I am posting the eight pre-generated Mad Max game characters that were used at the convention. You may recognize some of the character photos or even character concepts. 🙂

With the pre-gens and the adventure, you’re all set to have a grimy Mad Max adventure in the wastelands of the Australian Outback. Enjoy!

One Eye

40th Gaming the Movies Column!

It was June 2008 when I sat down with Jolly Blackburn at the Origins convention. When we agreed to have me start a column in Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine about analyzing movies for how to play them as an RPG, I didn’t know how long it might go. To be submitting my fortieth column (Boondock Saints) almost five years later is just amazing to me. To be part of KenzerCo’s Knights of the Dinner Table phenomenon is really very special.

My first article in the magazine was in Issue #100 back in 2005 (All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Firefly). It really opened doors for me and I’ve been blessed to have a nice little freelancing career ever since. My next piece for the magazine will appear in #200 and I’m very psyched!

Welcome to the Nam will be published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group

This weekend I got acceptance from Shane Hensley to publish my Tour of Darkness adventure, “Welcome to the Nam” with Pre-generated Characters, along with a renewal of the setting itself later this year.

A New Savage Worlds Edge

In many episodic television shows, one of the characters has a convenient plot device to bring in just the right bit of expertise. Rick Castle (Castle) has friends from researching previous books. Sam Axe (Burn Notice) has friends from his many years in the military. It is a standard trope and useful in role-playing games as well. This Edge is very similar to the “Connections” Edge in the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules although since the buddies can be from a broad range of places, it has a more stringent requirement. I think it is a nice variant to capture a cool trope.

I Got a Buddy… (Social Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+
Your hero has always been a social guy. He’s made friends in countless places, so many he can never really remember them all. But sometimes all you just need is a little help… from a buddy (once per game session). To use a character’s Buddy requires that he first get in touch with him. This requires a streetwise roll. Failure means the particular Buddy wasn’t available.

Once in contact, the hero must make a Persuasion roll. The GM should feel free to modify both the Persuasion roll and any results based on the circumstances. A failure indicates the hero’s buddy couldn’t come through this time.

On a success, the contact will provide some help, but nothing too risky. On a raise, the buddy will stick his neck out though he won’t outright betray others. Two or more raises and the buddy really comes through and provides substantial, tangible aid.

Behind the Curtain: Savage Characters

Here’s a draft piece of art from the Savage Characters project. (Copyrighted, do not distribute without attribution: Josh Minto)

Milos Keegan: Scum on the bottom of humanity's shoe

Scum on the bottom of humanity's shoe

Happy New Year!

Greetings to all Dragonlaird Gaming Fans!

Work continues on the Savage Characters project. I’m actually sketching out more and more for each of the four DLG settings that support the four genres which is slowing down the finalizing the characters, adventure hooks, etc. We’ve got half the full drafts complete (Haunted West, Modern Crime/Horror). I’m moving on to the fantasy/historical Earth setting Olde World Revealed and I’m hoping to wrap up full draft text by end of January and then space opera in February.

The project team is moving forward with editing, artwork, rules verification, and layout. I’m hoping to have the product released by early 2Q this year.



Not Dead… Need Better Title

Hey Gang, I’m not dead (yet), just pounded by work travel to point of getting little done on the Savage Characters project. I shall forge ahead though!

Looking for feedback on a better title for my Modern Horror Savage Worlds Setting. I’ve got the working title of Criminal Insanity (mix organized crime/Godfather/The Town genre with Horror twist-genre) but now the setting has become more aware of religion and Hell. Each person sees the evil entities as the demons or devils of their own culture. Priests of different religions discover they actually have powers (if they actually had faith) and the biggest risk is your soul.

Whoever suggests the best name gets credit for it in the book!

Cheers and Happy Holidays!


Update: Criminal Insanity

As mentioned before I’m creating four Savage Worlds settings as part of the Savage Characters project I’m working on. One or more of these settings may grow up to be a Plot Point Campaign and more, but that’s later.

The new setting is called Criminal Insanity and mixes life in the criminal underworld of a fictitious modern city with the creeping take-over of evil spirits from another dimension. Thugs, Guns, and Horror for your gaming pleasure.